Combination panels

Combination panels that create long-term value

At RLAY, we have extensive experience in building combination panels for utility companies. Our combination panels are designed to meet the complex needs of wastewater treatment plants, waterworks, and district heating plants, where an integrated solution with both distribution panels and control panels is often required in one unit. We offer our expertise at all levels and ensure that each solution is tailored to meet the specific requirements of our customers.

For us, it is important that the task is carried out in close collaboration with our customers, so that together we can ensure the most optimal solution. In this way, we can guarantee the production of combination panels that meet international standards and fulfill specific requirements in each application and industry.

A structure that ensures quick and efficient adaptation

The production of combination panels is usually carried out in a cubic modular system or module boxes from Fibox or APO, which provides a number of advantages. The modular approach allows for flexibility and easy adaptation, which is essential in order to meet the different requirements and challenges that arise in different utility plants. The modular system makes it possible to integrate both distribution and control functions into one solution, optimizing both space consumption and operational efficiency.

The modular structure also means that adaptations and expansions can be made quickly and efficiently without major modifications. Therefore, the system is ideal for plants where requirements may change over time, and where flexibility is a key factor. We work closely with our customers to ensure that each combination panel meets all necessary specifications and delivers reliable performance for many years to come.

Contact us today to learn more about combination panels and how we can help optimize control and distribution in your utility plant.

Professional sparring throughout the process

We are with you from design to production and delivery of electrical and control panels, ensuring the development of the right solution. We believe that value is created through collaboration, where we are happy to contribute with our expertise and support you throughout the process.

At RLAY, it is up to you how many of the production steps we should perform - that's what we call flexibility.

See how we collaborate

Let's start with a conversation

We are happy to adapt to your needs and offer individual agreements. Please contact us so we can learn more about your challenges and help find the perfect solution for you.